international line of emotional, moral, spiritual and alternative psychology support.
Motivation :
The evil that exists on the planet is based, to a large extent, on the pain and resentment that human beings keep in their hearts, this damage rebounds against humanity itself, causing a Domino effect and " hot potato ": where the heart hurt, he carries with him a cloud of feelings and thoughts that harm him and once he has contact with others, he throws the "hot potato" thinking that this will alleviate his pain, causing others to be hurt in the same or worse way than the one he had initially the "hot potato", this generates a domino effect in society where we all get hurt as a result of poor damage management.
For this reason, a line of emotional, moral, Spiritual and Alternative Psychology Support is necessary that allows us to provide opportunities for Healing and Peace to all those injured, seeking to take advantage of the Domino effect and instead of throwing "hot potatoes", let us transmit Love.
All Spanish-speaking individuals who seek consolation, an explanation, a voice of encouragement to face the changes that arise, the difficulties they face; which destabilize their Good Living and affect their Family, Social and work environment.
Our mission
Support, Help, Listen and Guide all the Hearts that seek consolation, an explanation for the changes that occur and destabilize their good life, we impact with the LOVE of others and the consolation that only a good Friend with a SINCERE purpose is willing to Give, from the depths of your Heart.
Our vision
To be the first international line of emotional, moral, spiritual and alternative psychology support in the Spanish-speaking world, spreading the initiative to carry out actions with LOVE towards Others without any additional interest, other than that of help everyone from the Heart, understanding that we are all ONE and that what happens to YOU affects us all.
Mission Values
IMPACT: We are a force of Good, with good Intentions, connecting with the Heart!
PASSION: We love what we do, We seek to help with Purpose!
UNION: We work as a team to become stronger!
Consciousness and Purpose
share and connect with Heart
We share vulnerability
We strengthen Purpose
We strengthen Consciousness
We foster Connection with Creation
Main goal
Support every Heart that is disoriented, because of a Change generated in their good living.
Specific objectives
Listen to the Obstacles manifested by the Hearts.
Find the Real Obstacle manifested by the Hearts.
Orient the Hearts in a Positive way, so that they can face the Real Obstacles.