We are an international emotional, moral, spiritual and alternative psychology support line.
Our Mission is: Support, Help, Listen and Guide all Hearts that seek consolation, an explanation for the changes that arise and destabilize their good life, we impact with LOVE to others and the consolation that only a good Friend with purpose SINCERO is willing to give, from the depths of his Heart.
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This service is provided either through self-taught online courses or through personalized phone calls.
En el caso de los cursos online autodidactas, Son Gratuitos y de acceso libre; Those who want to support their support can do so through financial donations.
The call service is NOT Free and is supported by financial donations as compensation for the service provided, that is, the price of the call service is set by your heart .
This is how our beautiful Office is sustained, which is offered with LOVE towards our Neighbor without any additional interest, that of helping everyone from the Heart, understanding that we are all ONE and that what happens to YOU affects us all.
Do you want to donate? click here